[Opendnssec-develop] 1.0.1 release

Rick van Rein rick at openfortress.nl
Wed Feb 3 10:12:26 UTC 2010


> Given that 1.1.0 will follow 1.0.0 by about 4 weeks (hopefully), and most
> of the scheduled work has been known about for that long, can we really say
> that they can't wait for 1.1.0?

Instead of this subjective line of reasoning, it is probably best to look
at the purpose of 1.1, which is to support registries, notably SIDN.
There is a more detailed list in the minutes.

> Also; given the amount of work to be done for 1.1.0 and the timeframe
> involved, would it be a good time to branch and so open trunk for work
> again?

IMHO that is a very good idea.  (But I am a Darcs user -- I tend to think
of versions as a pile of patches that are good enough to release, so I
have a tendency to make branches for every individual task of some size.)
Alternatively, you could have multiple checkouts to work on.

> p.s. Sorry if this was all discussed in the meeting last week, I'm not
> aiming to restart any arguments.

What I said above is what we discussed.  Note the IMHO though!


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