[Opendnssec-develop] 1.0.1 release

sion at nominet.org.uk sion at nominet.org.uk
Wed Feb 3 10:07:12 UTC 2010


taking pivotal as our reference Alex and I have been looking at the work
scheduled for the 1.0.1 release.

Given that 1.1.0 will follow 1.0.0 by about 4 weeks (hopefully), and most
of the scheduled work has been known about for that long, can we really say
that they can't wait for 1.1.0?

Also; given the amount of work to be done for 1.1.0 and the timeframe
involved, would it be a good time to branch and so open trunk for work


p.s. Sorry if this was all discussed in the meeting last week, I'm not
aiming to restart any arguments.

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