[Opendnssec-develop] Next Enforcer design telephone meeting

Roland van Rijswijk Roland.vanRijswijk at surfnet.nl
Mon Dec 20 08:18:02 UTC 2010

Hi guys,

> The meeting is scheduled for:
> 20th December, Monday, 15:00-16:30 CET.
> The contact details will be sent to the attendees. Currently: Rickard, Roland, Yuri, and René. We can perhaps use SURFnets teleconf system. If not, then I will send the phone number to our teleconf system.

Here are the conference details:

Please dial-in to our conferencing system (alas, no VoIP yet): +31-30-2040323

The conference PIN is: 030003

I will open up the lines 5 minutes before the conference starts.



-- Roland M. van Rijswijk
-- SURFnet Middleware Services
-- t: +31-30-2305388
-- e: roland.vanrijswijk at surfnet.nl

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