[Opendnssec-develop] Pivotal stories

Sion Lloyd sion at nominet.org.uk
Thu Aug 26 08:50:02 UTC 2010


I'd just like to check that I remember the pivotal stories correctly before I 
assign points to them...

ksmutil zone add/delete without implicit export
	This is just a facility to do the database stuff but not update 
zonelist.xml right?

ksmutil policy import/export
	literally just an alias so that "ods-ksmutil policy import" does the same 
job as "ods-ksmutil update kasp"? Or should it take a policy name as an 
argument so that you can just import a single policy from kasp.xml?

ksmutil zonelist import/export
	I think that these are just aliases for existing commands to be 

Does this agree with what you think we discussed at the codesprint?


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