[Opendnssec-develop] Performance

Rickard Bellgrim rickard.bellgrim at iis.se
Thu Aug 12 08:31:32 UTC 2010

On 11 aug 2010, at 15.55, Rickard Bellgrim wrote:

> But the signing is slower.

No worries. There is already a suggestion on how to speed up the signing.

And some comparison between NSEC, NSEC3, and NSEC with opt-out. (using the .se zone)

** NSEC **

[STATS] se RR[count=2167209 time=52(sec)) NSEC[count=926590 time=9(sec)] RRSIG[new=930497 reused=0 time=898(sec) avg=1036(sig/sec)]
Real time: 17:08
Time from stats: 15:59
Diff: 1:09

** NSEC3 **

[STATS] se RR[count=2167209 time=52(sec)) NSEC3[count=926631 time=31(sec)] RRSIG[new=930539 reused=0 time=909(sec) avg=1023(sig/sec)]
Real time: 17:13
Time from stats: 16:32
Diff: 41s

** NSEC3 Opt-out **

[STATS] se RR[count=2167209 time=52(sec)) NSEC3[count=3883 time=5(sec)] RRSIG[new=7791 reused=0 time=8(sec) avg=973(sig/sec)]
Real time: 1:48
Time from stats: 1:05
Diff: 43s

* Really fast with NSEC3 opt-out.
* And that we probably want to have one extra field with the total time. Since there is a big difference between the time in the stats and the actual time.

// Rickard

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