[Opendnssec-develop] Access to svn code

Victor Ramiro vramiro at niclabs.cl
Mon Mar 23 20:58:16 UTC 2009

Hello everyone,

We are gathering information about tools and services to implement  
DNSSEC here in .CL TLD (Niclabs is the research lab of NIC Chile). By  
now, we are studding configurations setups, available tools, etc.

We are really interested in participate on your project, because in  
our internal roadmap we are planning to do some tools, that seems to  
be really close to your current development. So, we would like to  
start trying the code, maybe as beta-testers or something like that.

So, if this sounds good to you, could we have access to code/svn?

Victor Ramiro
R&D Engineer
Niclabs Chile (http://www.niclabs.cl)

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