[Opendnssec-develop] kaspimport perl dependency removal?

sion at nominet.org.uk sion at nominet.org.uk
Thu Jun 4 09:36:10 UTC 2009

> kaspimport currently depends on perl and DBI. would it be a large
> amount of work to code this in C?

kaspimport is a "quick 'n' dirty" way of setting up the database consistent
with the xml configuration files. I believe that it was never intended to
be a permanent feature, or to be used in anything other than testing.

So, if we are to re-write it in C, should we decide exactly what we need
for production? Or is it okay as it is, just not in the right language?

The database schemas themselves are actually created with shell scripts, is
this okay?

On the topic of dependencies; I notice that the xml stuff needs java (and
trang.jar). Is this just when building from subversion or is a release
going to have this dependency too?


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