[Opendnssec-develop] face2face agenda: design diagrams

Rick van Rein rick at openfortress.nl
Tue Jan 27 08:45:20 UTC 2009

Hello Rickard,

A proposal for the face2face agenda, if I may.

I would like to reserve (a lot of) time to discuss diagrams for the
OpenDNSSEC system.  I've led enough discussions on object designs to have
learnt how insightful it is to discuss them.  Usually, an open discussion
will bring up issues about the boundaries of a concept as it is caught in
the diagramming blocks, thus leading to better insight in the topic at

One way of conducting such discussion is to have the diagrams presented
by their authors, and having the others fire questions at them.  If a
number of alternative designs exist, they are best presented at the
same time and interactively brought in line with each other.

Hope this helps,

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