[Opendnssec-develop] OpenDNSSEC Project Management

Roy Arends roy at nominet.org.uk
Wed Jan 14 09:20:12 UTC 2009

Rick van Rein <rick at openfortress.nl> wrote on 01/14/2009 08:25:16 AM:

> Hello,
> I hope you are not leaving us, Roy.  I am also looking forward to having
> the beer we planned to have here in Enschede.

I'm not leaving. We'll do beer soon.

> > However, due to a busy agenda, and the unforeseen amount of work for 
> > project, I'm handing projectmanagement over to Rickard Bondesson. 
> This is not as democratic as I had expected this to be. 


This project needs management, I lack time. Rickard Bondesson's SoftHSM 
part for OpenDNSSEC is mostly (if not completely) done. He consistently 
produced results for the SoftHSM part, while keeping an interest in the 
development of the OpenDNSSEC project, without getting into gory details. 
He is the obvious choice. This is not a democracy. There is no vote.


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