[Opendnssec-develop] Embedded scripts can replace syslog()

Rick van Rein rick at openfortress.nl
Fri Aug 28 10:45:08 UTC 2009

Hello Stephen and others,

Attached is a small demonstration program that I set up to enable more
flexible (and more reliable) logging than through ssyslog().

This is a drop-in replacement for syslog() calls, with just a single
extra call for opening a Python script with a user-settable odlog()
function.  The rest of the code diverts the syslog()-replacing odlog()
calls to Python.

I tried using a setup with embedded Ruby, but Ruby does not seem to
be mature enough to have such a facility.  So I used Python instead,
apologising for emphasising that (build-time) dependency.

The use is simple enough, only the log script path should be set with
an option like --logscript.  Example use:

int main (int argc, char *argv []) {
        odlog (LOG_INFO, "This appears through syslog");
        odlogscript ("demolog");
        odopenlog ("odlogdemo", LOG_NDELAY, LOG_DAEMON);
        odlog (LOG_INFO, "Now the Python script has started to work");
        odlog (LOG_EMERG, "All Hell Just Broke Loose");
        odcloselog ();
        odlog (LOG_INFO, "And now we're back to plain syslog behaviour");

Further code is attached.  Just make, set PYTHONPATH=. and run ./odlogdemo
A build requirement is a python-devel package of some kind.  Works on Linux.

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