[Opendnssec-develop] -a vs --all

sion at nominet.org.uk sion at nominet.org.uk
Fri Aug 21 09:02:28 UTC 2009

I hesitate to start this discussion as it has caused small wars in the

We have a number of components that take command line arguments, and I
think that we should be consistent in both style and meaning of flags. I
wouldn't expect -v to mean verbose in one place and version in another;
similarly I wouldn't expect to have to type -v in one place and --version
in another.

So, do we need a central list of what options we have used, and what they
mean? And do we need to decide between short and long options (or decide
that we want both to always work?)

I'm happy with either type, so long as we are consistent. Or you can tell
me that I am worrying about nothing.


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