[Opendnssec-develop] "ksmutil list keys"

sion at nominet.org.uk sion at nominet.org.uk
Fri Aug 14 14:34:29 UTC 2009

> >
> > And perhaps the key id (keypairs->HSMkey_id) and repository
> > (securitymodules->name).
> yes, but perhaps hidden until you do 'ksmutil -v list keys [zone]' ?

Okay, I've added a story in pivotal for the -v flag.

The spec for ksmutil list in general was slightly lacking, so I implemented
some stuff that seemed reasonable to me. If you see anything which is not
to your liking then please let me know. E.g. listing policies only lists
their names and description... is that enough?

There are a couple of undocumented features of the command too.
Type "ksmutil list" on its own to go through all of the functionality.
You only need to specify the first 3 letters of the subcommand for it to
run. (As a consequence "ksmutil list reptile" will list repositories, I can
tighten this up if it is a problem.)


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