[Opendnssec-develop] More configuration for signer and auditor

Jakob Schlyter jakob at kirei.se
Wed Aug 5 11:02:00 UTC 2009

On 5 aug 2009, at 12.37, Alexd at nominet.org.uk wrote:

> We could do this in a number of ways :
> a) Naming by convention - the signer will always write the temporary  
> file to the working directory with a particular prefix, so the  
> auditor will always know where to find it
> b) XML configuration - the config will specify where to write the  
> temporary file, so the signer and auditor will be told where to put/ 
> find it
> c) Command line parameter - the signer will tell the auditor where  
> to find the file when it starts it up.
> Any preferences?

I'd very much prefer (c), so that the auditor always audits what's in  
the zonelist normally, but can be overridden by command line options.


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