[Opendnssec-develop] project plan and SURFnet

Olaf Kolkman olaf at NLnetLabs.nl
Wed Dec 10 11:23:16 UTC 2008

On Nov 28, 2008, at 5:26 PM, Roy Arends wrote:

> Dear OpenDNSSEC folk,
> I have yet to finish the project plan (I'm not slacking, just  
> swamped),
> but will dump here what I already have (see attached pdf) written. It
> contains the high level overview of components (which we already  
> assigned
> to different folk).


I understand that you will be in Venuzuela as of tomorrow (vacation  
full time, or telecommuting too?). What does that mean for the  
development of the plan?

Just to be explicit about my expectations: What I really want to have  
out of a project plan is a set of milestones, how those milestones  
hang together and who is responsible for what?  Also the plan should  
be clear on the deliverables and the commitments after the work has  
been finished.

I have some idea on what the responsibilities for labs are but that is  
not clear in the current text.

So much for the managerial questions.

I have one technical question. How does the machinery deal with a zone  
which needs to be partially signed (e.g. one 10th of the records gets  
signed every 10 days)? I guess that the KASP would record such policy  
but it is not clear to me where in the design the intelligence lives  
to select those records?

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