[Opendnssec-announce] OpenDNSSEC 1.0.0b6

Rickard Bellgrim rickard.bellgrim at iis.se
Mon Nov 9 07:58:43 UTC 2009

The 6th beta-version of OpenDNSSEC has been released.

The following things are new for this release:

    * ods-hsmutil now has a command ("purge") to remove ALL keys from a given repository.


    * Some minor bugfixes for the auditor
    * Better detection for MySQL (now requires --enable-mysql to build)
    * Init PKCS#11 library with CKF_OS_LOCKING_OK
    * Change config file flag to ods-hsmspeed

Download the tarball from: http://www.opendnssec.org/files/source/opendnssec-1.0.0b6.tar.gz

// OpenDNSSEC team
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