[Opendnssec-develop] ods1.4.7 and a start guide

Matthijs Mekking matthijs at nlnetlabs.nl
Mon Nov 17 16:25:21 UTC 2014


I made a test case for SUPPORT-147:


I was expecting a link where I can fire of jenkins, but couldn't find 
it. Test works locally.

I hope there can be a release 1.4.7 soon, I think this is a bug fix that 
we want to release rather today than tomorrow.

Also, I have written an OpenDNSSEC start guide: Operators want a short 
guide rather than the verbose wiki. Also see:


Attached is what I think is the final version of this document. If we 
could add it to opendnssec.org, we can get a referral from the Deploy360 
DNSSEC Deployment page.

Best regards,
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