[Opendnssec-develop] kasp draft

Matthijs Mekking matthijs at nlnetlabs.nl
Fri Jul 4 13:23:42 UTC 2014

On 07/04/2014 03:15 PM, Yuri Schaeffer wrote:
>> We would like to hear your opinions about this and get your
>> feedback.
> 1)
> 	(...)
>    The choice and case modeling types are not included in the actual
>    data tree.  In the case that NSEC is used, the XML example would be:
>    <Denial>
>        <NSEC/>
>    </Denial>
> I don't understand what 'choice and case modeling types' are.

Its YANG language (RFC 6020). Basically you specify in your model that
you have a choice: Either the schema contains <this> or the schema
contains <that>. You cannot have both <this> and <that> at the same
time. A case modeling type is a choice option so to say.

> 2)  Zone
>    3.  Serial - The format of the serial number in the signed zone.
>        This is one of: "counter", datecounter, unixtime, keep.
> Perhaps Serial should not be defined as a string but rather a type
> that has one of the above values.

I was thinking of that too. I'll add that as an issue to be resolved.

> 3)
> It is unclear which values in the Zone>SOA container are optional.

Ok, I'll take a look.

> 4) If everything in the parent container is optional, why MUST we have
> a parent container?

This can probably be a MAY. We started with kasp.rnc with this document
and then relaxed some rules.

I created issues for these in github:

Thanks Yuri!

Best regards,

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