[Opendnssec-develop] Re: The move to GitHub - la importancia!

Jerry Lundström jerry at opendnssec.org
Fri Feb 14 16:16:09 UTC 2014


Most things are done and Jenkins jobs are crunching away.

Some changes/issues:
- trunk-mysql jobs have been removed
- 1.3/1.3-mysql/1.4/1.4-mysql/trunk jobs are not triggered by SCM changes, will be fixed next week
- Old test platform nodes removed
- Solaris removed from all jobs
- Sandbox jobs have not been update, can’t we just remove them now anyway?
- Build bot is running and people should all have access to #build.

1.3 and trunk has been tested and everything works with Git, all other will be scheduled so we can see the result next week.

Jakob made the first pull request and its building on happily https://github.com/opendnssec/opendnssec/pull/1 https://jenkins.opendnssec.org/job/pull-opendnssec-1-fetch/1/downstreambuildview/ .

I’m off for the weekend now, cheers, stay safe and pull request!

Jerry Lundström - OpenDNSSEC Developer

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