[Opendnssec-develop] Discussion of usability developments

John Dickinson jad at sinodun.com
Thu Oct 10 13:04:31 UTC 2013

On 7 Oct 2013, at 19:34, Jakob Schlyter <jakob at kirei.se> wrote:

> On 30 sep 2013, at 11:05, Jerry Lundström <jerry at opendnssec.org> wrote:
>> On the HOW; I object implementing email/xmpp/whatever support into the Enforcer and/or Signer because I don't think thats their purpose.
> For the record, I'm with Jerry here.
> I would like the OpenDNSSEC command line tools to be able to output in some machine readable format (JSON and/or XML). If you want to do X, you can then use the tool to extract some output and do X with it.

I don't think I ever suggested "implementing email/xmpp/whatever support into the Enforcer and/or Signer" - Depending on what the hooks are then they should go wherever is most appropriate. My issue is with just creating hooks. Adding just hooks does nothing to help users of what is supposed to be push button system. We should develop a set of useful and easy to configure scripts to access the hooks and perform the useful activity: be that email, xmpp or whatever the users request. Of course, if users want to contribute scripts that is great.


jad at sinodun.com


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