[Opendnssec-develop] Developer workshop

Matthijs Mekking matthijs at nlnetlabs.nl
Thu Nov 14 14:34:47 UTC 2013

Hi Jerry,

On 11/08/2013 01:59 PM, Jerry Lundström wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 5:29 PM, Sara Dickinson <sara at sinodun.com
> <mailto:sara at sinodun.com>> wrote:
>     Please find a wiki page with details of the developer workshop and a
>     first pass at a draft agenda here:
>     https://wiki.opendnssec.org/display/OpenDNSSEC/Developer+Workshop+-+Stockholm+Dec+2013
>     Please let me know if you have any topics you would like covered at
>     the workshop that are not on this agenda, have any suggestions for
>     other sessions we could have or if you would like any sessions moved
>     around.
> I would like to add a few topic at/around Moving to Git + more:
> - What is Git?
> Short intro into Git. I can talk some what it is and whats different
> from SVN but this would be more giving if everyone can come up with
> questions/fears about Git before hand and I can try and answer them.

In the teleconf Jakob suggested that all developers get familiar with
git before the developer meeting. I think that is a good idea. If
everybody does that, there is no need to do an introduction on Git
during the workshop.

> - A workflow proposal: How we can work with Github
> This workflow is based on the workflow created at .SE where the
> development department has done the exact same thing we are doing. At
> .SE we used SVN in the same manner, one repository for many softwares,
> moved it to Atlassian Stash (a Github clone since we can't put it
> outside our infrastructure) to one repository for each software and
> developed a proccess with integrated review for quality control.

Can you share .SE's workflow on this list? Again, I think it would be
good if we can get familiar with the proposals before the meeting starts.


Best regards,

> - Git Flow: What is it? How I use it. How you can use it.
> Git Flow is a way of working in Git that comes with Git integrated tools
> that helps you a lot, instead of having know 10-15 git commands you have
> about 4. I can talk shortly on what the ideas behind the process is, how
> I use it for other softwares and how we can use it in OpenDNSSEC with
> regards to the workflow proposal.
> =====
> If people wants to have a workshop with Git we might need to rearrange
> the agenda some, maybe move 2.0 to the morning after and have a half day
> Git the later part of the first day.
> =====
> - Jenkins and testing platform
> The testing platforms are due for an upgrade. I can give a short
> presentation on how it works today and whats going to change. We can
> also talk about OS/arch support.
> I also want to warn everyone right now that the talks might not be well
> prepared since I will have one day, before the meet, to prepare them! So
> there will probably be a lot of Uhm's.
> -- 
> Jerry Lundström - OpenDNSSEC Developer
> http://www.opendnssec.org/
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