[Opendnssec-develop] Developer workshop

Sara Dickinson sara at sinodun.com
Fri Nov 8 13:46:03 UTC 2013

Hi Jerry, 

Jakob brought this up in the team meeting yesterday (I had the impression that he would be doing the presentation though... no difference). I'll shuffle the agenda to try to accommodate this. 

Jerry - just to be clear - you plan to be around for all 3 days of the workshop now? Maybe it would be better to do the git & testing stuff on Friday morning to give you/Jakob as much time as possible to prepare?


On 8 Nov 2013, at 12:59, Jerry Lundström wrote:

> Hi,
> On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 5:29 PM, Sara Dickinson <sara at sinodun.com> wrote:
> Please find a wiki page with details of the developer workshop and a first pass at a draft agenda here:
> https://wiki.opendnssec.org/display/OpenDNSSEC/Developer+Workshop+-+Stockholm+Dec+2013
> Please let me know if you have any topics you would like covered at the workshop that are not on this agenda, have any suggestions for other sessions we could have or if you would like any sessions moved around.
> I would like to add a few topic at/around Moving to Git + more:
> - What is Git?
> Short intro into Git. I can talk some what it is and whats different from SVN but this would be more giving if everyone can come up with questions/fears about Git before hand and I can try and answer them.
> - A workflow proposal: How we can work with Github
> This workflow is based on the workflow created at .SE where the development department has done the exact same thing we are doing. At .SE we used SVN in the same manner, one repository for many softwares, moved it to Atlassian Stash (a Github clone since we can't put it outside our infrastructure) to one repository for each software and developed a proccess with integrated review for quality control.
> - Git Flow: What is it? How I use it. How you can use it.
> Git Flow is a way of working in Git that comes with Git integrated tools that helps you a lot, instead of having know 10-15 git commands you have about 4. I can talk shortly on what the ideas behind the process is, how I use it for other softwares and how we can use it in OpenDNSSEC with regards to the workflow proposal.
> =====
> If people wants to have a workshop with Git we might need to rearrange the agenda some, maybe move 2.0 to the morning after and have a half day Git the later part of the first day.
> =====
> - Jenkins and testing platform
> The testing platforms are due for an upgrade. I can give a short presentation on how it works today and whats going to change. We can also talk about OS/arch support.
> I also want to warn everyone right now that the talks might not be well prepared since I will have one day, before the meet, to prepare them! So there will probably be a lot of Uhm's.
> -- 
> Jerry Lundström - OpenDNSSEC Developer
> http://www.opendnssec.org/

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