[Opendnssec-develop] RE: Team meeting - Thursday 26 March @ 14:00 CET

Sara Dickinson sara at sinodun.com
Mon Mar 25 11:02:17 UTC 2013

Hi All, 

We have a team meeting tomorrow:

Date:      Tuesday 26 March 2013
Time:      14:00-15:00 CET, 13:00-14:00 GMT
Method:  Google+
Agenda:  https://wiki.opendnssec.org/display/OpenDNSSEC/2013-03-26+Agenda

I've added an item to the agenda to review all the issues currently planned for 1.4.1 - Sion/Matthijs/Jakob if you have a few minutes before the meeting can you take a look through the issues assigned to you for 1.4.1rc1 so we can review what to do with them?


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