[Opendnssec-develop] JIRA security upgrade today at 14:00h CET

Roland van Rijswijk - Deij Roland.vanRijswijk at surfnet.nl
Thu Feb 28 12:14:54 UTC 2013

Hi all,

Today at 14:00h CET our sysadmins (Prolocation) are going to perform a
security upgrade on the JIRA instance running on issue.opendnssec.org.
Please make sure to save any open changes to tickets before that time so
you don't lose your work.

I will send another e-mail to the list once the upgrade is complete.



-- Roland M. van Rijswijk - Deij
-- SURFnet bv
-- w: http://www.surfnet.nl/en/
-- t: +31-30-2305388
-- e: roland.vanrijswijk at surfnet.nl

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