[Opendnssec-develop] RE: Team meeting - Thursday 22 Aug @ 14:00 CEST

Jakob Schlyter jakob at kirei.se
Thu Aug 22 07:14:22 UTC 2013

On 22 aug 2013, at 09:07, Jerry Lundström <jerry at opendnssec.org> wrote:

> The only thing TeamViewer provides that a simple VoIP does not is screen sharing and I don't feel that sharing the agenda screen is all that important, more important is the VoIP quality and clarity and I know that TeamSpeak or Mumble does that excellent even if multiple people talk over each other (MMO's with 40+ ppl screaming "kind" words at each others :P ).

One thing I miss with Hangout (available in WebEx and Adobe Connect) is "raise a hand" and voting features. Using such features increases efficiency a lot, although requires more attention from the moderator (but Sara would most certainly handle that w/o problems).


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