[Opendnssec-develop] RE: Team meeting - Thursday 8 Aug @ 14:00 CEST

Yuri Schaeffer yuri at nlnetlabs.nl
Thu Aug 15 09:25:26 UTC 2013

> On 7: TeamSpreak 3 or Mumble is very good voip software, free and
> works on all platforms.

Yes, I also mentioned TeamSpeak in the meeting. I have a very good
experience running that. (that must be over 8 years ago now, over crappy
costumer connections).

During OHM2013 I came across SylkServer[0]. (which is apparently an
NLnet funded project). I haven't looked close in to it but it sounds
promising. Combining SIP and XMPP.


* [0] http://sylkserver.com/

Composed on an actual keyboard: all typos genuine.

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