[Opendnssec-develop] More on OpenDNSSEC versions... Support policy and 1.5 anyone?
Rick van Rein (OpenFortress)
rick at openfortress.nl
Fri Apr 5 10:14:12 UTC 2013
> This would not only freeze the enforcer but would also freeze the
> signer; and development of the signer does not remove any resources from
> enforcer-ng as I understand it. (We may well get feature requests as
> people use the new adapters.)
A sensible remark.
> I also think that with proper curation the list of improvements to the
> enforcer can be kept to a minimum; but could prove useful to many users.
OK, you are the best one to judge that.
> I realise the score is still +3.
Maybe your vote counts heavier than just 1 on the matter of KASP maintenance...
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