[Opendnssec-develop] OpenDNSSEC-1.3-multithread-enforcerd

Jerry Lundström jerry at opendnssec.org
Mon May 14 13:25:13 UTC 2012


I'm done with the multithreading enforcer and it's a big improvement. 

Test with 1000 zones, without workers, ods-enforcerd -1:
First run: 1 min 35 secs
Second run: 57 secs

Test with 1000 zones, with 8 threads on 4 cores, ods-enforcerd -1:
First run: 19 secs
Second run: 11 secs

Now I would like some help with testing if everything is going okay, running the signer and maybe auditing everything for a while.

Can anyone help?


svn checkout http://svn.opendnssec.org/home/jerry/OpenDNSSEC-1.3-multithread-enforcerd
cd OpenDNSSEC-1.3-multithread-enforcerd
sh autogen.sh
./configure --with-database-backend=mysql --enable-enforcer-workers
make install

specify number of worker threads in conf.xml -> Enforcer -> WorkerThreads.

Jerry Lundström - OpenDNSSEC Developer

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