[Opendnssec-develop] Re: Jenkins build status emails

Alex Dalitz AlexD at nominet.org.uk
Wed May 2 09:07:09 UTC 2012

Hi - 

I think it's great that we have a new automated build and test system.

However, if I could offer one suggestion for a better user experience, it would be to tune the emails that are sent in the event of a broken build.

AIUI, the standard practice for this sort of thing is to send the "failed" email _only_ to those who have made a commit to the relevant source repository since the last successful build (and, of course, those who specifically request to receive all build emails).

Would it be possible to make this change, please?



On 26 Apr 2012, at 11:03, Jerry Lundström wrote:

> On Apr 26, 2012, at 11:42 , Jerry Lundström wrote:
>> Jenkins will send emails on every failed build to the commits list and the committers. If the build is fixed it will send one email about that then nothing until the next failed build. There will be one email per failed node.
> Forgot one thing, the test-* parts won't be sent to the committers, just the commits list.
> --
> Jerry Lundström - OpenDNSSEC Developer
> http://www.opendnssec.org/
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