[Opendnssec-develop] maintainers list

Jerry Lundström jerry at opendnssec.org
Fri Mar 9 09:34:53 UTC 2012

On Mar 9, 2012, at 10:28 , Matthijs Mekking wrote:

> > * Wait 2 weeks
> If the maintainers are okay with it, I would like to wait for one week
> maximum. That seems to be working for nsd/unbound/ldns.

It wasn't so much waiting for the maintainers, it was more we decide that we have a 2 week QA period in which the maintainers can prepare a new release on a release candidate that will be the same later on (code freeze for that tag).

I took 2 weeks since we have a tele conference every 2 weeks, simpler to coordinate on those meetings.

Jerry Lundström - OpenDNSSEC Developer

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