[Opendnssec-develop] Meeting notes 2012-07-10 are online

Sara Dickinson sara at sinodun.com
Tue Jul 10 16:09:56 UTC 2012


I've updated the format to show comments made in the meeting in blue (as Sion did a few weeks ago) as I think this makes it easy to read. I've also summarised the actions at the end and upgraded some comments to actions so they don't get forgotten: 

Sara: Resend audit recommendation page for review.
Sara: Find someone to chair the next meeting
Rick: Talk to Roland and see if SURFnet could pick up on the PIN daemon task, to avoid delaying to 1.4.1.

Hope everyone is happy with this.


On 10 Jul 2012, at 14:22, Rick van Rein wrote:

> Hello,
> The notes for our meeting just yet are online.  Please correct them if you need
> to.  I will be on holiday soon, and should not be relied upon for an exchange
> on them for another 3 weeks.  Until then, I'll be happily wiggling my toes.
> https://wiki.opendnssec.org/display/OpenDNSSEC/2012-07-10+Minutes
> Cheers,
> -Rick
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