[Opendnssec-develop] Meeting today

Rickard Bellgrim rickard at opendnssec.org
Tue Feb 14 08:48:20 UTC 2012

> Can we limit "Can we release" to only stable already release versions, its eating a lot of time from the meeting with all the others.
> There are a lot of things to discuss for 1.4, probably many issues still open. I think we should set aside a meeting of its own just for that.

The topic is last thing in the meeting. The stable release usually
have the lowest version number, thus first in the list. I usually skip
the unstable / unready versions if I see that there is to little time
left or if the general feeling is that everyone knows what to do. It
is however good to dive into the backlog of an unstable release just
to get everything going.

If there are any particular discussion topics for 1.4, then everyone
are welcome to create an item on the agenda.

// Rickard

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