[Opendnssec-develop] Process for tracking bugs

Sara Dickinson sara at sinodun.com
Mon Dec 17 12:00:40 UTC 2012

On 17 Dec 2012, at 08:54, Jerry Lundström wrote:

> On Dec 13, 2012, at 14:51 , Sara Dickinson wrote:
>> - more overhead as more issues created
>> - harder to see what branches a fix affects as you have to pull up at least 2 JIRA issues, rather than just looking at one field 
> This depends on how we do it, how we search. We have affected versions and fixed versions, the main issue can affect both version but the subtasks could only specify one affected version and one fixed version.

So we need n+1 issues for each fix where n is the number of branches affected? And you will see 2 issues when you do a JIRA query against a given release (main and sub-task).

>> - requires the fixes for different branches to go in different commits for the jira <-> fisheye link to work
> No, I don't believe it only takes the first matched JIRA issue tag. If you commit for both branches at the same time and specify both issue tags it should work.

OK - this is good to know, thanks.

>> - could be confusing since in the NEWS file fixes for the same issue will have different issue numbers in different branches. 
> You could specify the main issue in the NEWS and not the subtasks.

Erm... sounds more complicated that what we do now so I still vote to stick with what we have ;-)


> --
> Jerry Lundström - OpenDNSSEC Developer
> http://www.opendnssec.org/

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