[Opendnssec-develop] 1.4 beta release

Jerry Lundström jerry at opendnssec.org
Wed Aug 29 13:19:33 UTC 2012


I don't think I said it should be done before the beta, think I said
it should be done for the beta and by that I mean on the beta. Can be
easy to mixed up over the telephone conference :/

Risks I see are things like getting the auditor to work for 1.4
adapters and if we need to modify it (who knows Ruby the best?). I
also only have 3 full work days next week for OpenDNSSEC and I don't
know when Rickard is available.


On 29 aug 2012, at 15:02, Sara Dickinson <sara at sinodun.com> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
>> On Aug 29, 2012, at 13:35 , Sara Dickinson wrote:
>>> So given the discussion in the team meeting last week I think the
>>> only things needed for a beta are:
>>> - OPENDNSSEC-172 - DNS adaptor tests (Matthijs)
>>> - OPENDNSSEC-317  - Repeat the pre-release auditor testing against 1.4 (Jerry with help
>>> from Rickard)
> On 29 Aug 2012, at 12:41, Jerry Lundström wrote:
>> Testing should be done on the beta, not the alpha.
> OK - I think I see the confusion now. You don't think that OPENDNSSEC-317 needs to be done before the beta, it just needs to be before the full release? I has assumed from our discussion in the team meeting that everyone agreed both items should be done before the beta.  I would vote for this but given that the multi-threaded enforcer won't be finished this week we can discuss this next Tuesday in the team meeting.
> Regardless of the release decision I believe that running the auditor is the next highest priority for the 1.4 release after finishing the functionality.
> Is there any reason it couldn't be done by the end of next week?
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