[Opendnssec-develop] 1.4 beta release

Sara Dickinson sara at sinodun.com
Wed Aug 29 11:35:31 UTC 2012

On 29 Aug 2012, at 12:00, Jerry Lundström wrote:

>> I would like to target the end of next week for a beta release (7th Sept). 
> Is it wise since it looks like we will have 1.4.0a4 next week?
> Do we need a new alpha really? Can't we go straight to beta if we feel that all features are there?

2 reasons for an alpha 4 (this week if possible) in my opinion:
- this beta date is a target and could slip (what is your estimate for completing the testing?)
- it was agreed in the team meeting a few weeks ago that since the alpha 4 contains significant changes (multi-threaded enforcer and PIN storage) it should be released as soon as those developments were finished, rather than waiting for beta. 

Plus you normally vote for release early, release often!

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