[Opendnssec-develop] RE: 1.4 beta release

Sara Dickinson sara at sinodun.com
Wed Aug 29 10:19:03 UTC 2012

Hi All, 

I had an action to chase down the outstanding issues for 1.4 and I believe we are now in a position where none of the remaining issues would block a beta release. 

So given the discussion in the team meeting last week I think the only things needed for a beta are:

- OPENDNSSEC-172 - DNS adaptor tests (Matthijs)
- OPENDNSSEC-317 - Repeat the pre-release auditor testing against 1.4 (Jerry with help from Rickard)

I would like to target the end of next week for a beta release (7th Sept). 

Jerry/Matthijs - having had some time to investigate do you think this is possible? If not - please let me know what you need to make progress. 



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