[Opendnssec-develop] Merge OpenDNSSEC-pin2 into trunk

Rickard Bellgrim rickard at opendnssec.org
Tue Aug 28 09:10:28 UTC 2012

> I think it would be better to not touch that memory area if the size miss match since otherwise you might corrupt the memory of a running daemon if you recompiled/installed a new version and did not migrate correctly.

I can have a look on this. And add proper log messages.

> When it does hsm_open() and use the hsm_pin_block() callback it will block until there is a pin in memory and that code it before it creates a pid and other stuff. This might be problematically since the user can start multiple and he/she might not understand why its not starting up, I also wonder what happens to the start up scripts if there is no pin in memory, just hangs?
> Would be good with some syslog messages also "I am waiting on pin…" etc.

Would it be better to stop/fail the daemons instead of waiting for the
PIN? With a log message saying that you first need to login?

// Rickard

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