[Opendnssec-develop] HSM initialised and access documented on the wiki

Roland van Rijswijk - Deij Roland.vanRijswijk at surfnet.nl
Thu Aug 2 11:37:35 UTC 2012

Hi guys,

As promised in the last teleconference, I have initialised the HSM that was donated by SafeNet for use by the OpenDNSSEC team. If you want to use the HSM, please read the information I put up on the wiki first:


Then, using the instructions supplied on the wiki page send me a signed e-mail with your host certificate and I will configure the HSM for your use.



-- Roland M. van Rijswijk - Deij
-- SURFnet bv
-- w: http://www.surfnet.nl/en/
-- t: +31-30-2305388
-- e: roland.vanrijswijk at surfnet.nl

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