[Opendnssec-develop] version-mania 2.0

Jerry Lundström jerry at opendnssec.org
Mon Oct 24 14:12:27 UTC 2011

On 2011-10-24 15.55, Yuri Schaeffer <yuri at NLnetLabs.nl> wrote:

>On 10/24/11 14:08, Rick van Rein wrote:
>> It also makes people embrace for
>> possible changes in behaviour, which is warranted.
>Good point. +1
>However -not saying the enforcerNG is production ready- aren't there
>features that where 'promised' for 2.0 but potentially won't make it to
>that release?
>(I personally could not care less...)

It's funny how a jump in the major part of the version number makes people
think its more special when it might really not be. There was some
configure management system, I think, that jumped from 0.6 to 2.0 in one
release last year just to make it more "production ready" and not to talk
about the "omg a new major release"-Firefox.

But anyway, the enforcer-ng things are a big change and indeed valid for a
big push but the adapters are almost as big when regard to the features it

I think its time to revise the road map / release plan (which according
to; we should already have released adapters).


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