[Opendnssec-develop] Meeting 20111019

Sara Dickinson sara at sinodun.com
Thu Oct 20 11:44:44 UTC 2011

OK - I think that answers my next question which was shall I now go ahead and set up the other spaces in Confluence....

*Apart from meeting agenda/minutes etc pages is anyone currently updating any pages on the TRAC wiki area or planning to do so this week or next week? Please let me know if you are or if there is anything you want to remain in TRAC wiki for some reason.*

Otherwise tomorrow I will start migrating useful/active wiki content to Confluence and then archiving the TRAC wiki area for now (i.e add a banner redirecting users to Confluence and freeze the pages to updates). 


On 19 Oct 2011, at 13:54, Rickard Bellgrim wrote:

>>> The new process for updating the Confluence docs is here:
>>> http://trac.opendnssec.org/wiki/DevelopmentProcessConf
>> IMHO, we can move this to Confluence as well; just put it somewhere in https://wiki.opendnssec.org/display/OpenDNSSEC/ for now.
> Maybe we should open a new work space called e.g. "project" where we
> can have our processes, project documentation, agendas, meeting notes,
> etc.
> // Rickard

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