[Opendnssec-develop] Release OpenDNSSEC 1.3.3

Rickard Bellgrim rickard at opendnssec.org
Mon Nov 7 14:21:55 UTC 2011


Some status update on this release:

*** OPENDNSSEC-18 NSEC3PARAM left in records after switch NSEC3->NSEC
Waiting for testing by Jerry

*** OPENDNSSEC-17 Auditor cannot handle SSHFP RRs
Waiting for testing by Matthijs

*** OPENDNSSEC-16 Auditor cannot handle smtp TXT RRs
Waiting for testing by Matthijs

*** OPENDNSSEC-20 Not setting the retire time
Waiting for port to 1.3 branch

*** OPENDNSSEC-8 Auditor should log exit code
Waiting for testing by Jakob

*** Require newer version of dnsruby
Release new version of dnsruby, once all fixes has been accepted.

**** OPENDNSSEC-25 Add support for enforcing policy for a root zone
Is this one fixed?

> * ods-signer killed / ods-auditor defunct (.ie)
>  But this issue has not been nailed down yet.

Have we created an issue for this one?

> * Wytze from CAcert reported that if you issue a ds-seen
>  after the KSK lifetime has passed, you cannot finish
>  the rollover. Haven't investigated this yet.

Have we created an issue for this one?

// Rickard

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