[Opendnssec-develop] We need to push out 1.3.4 now!

Rick van Rein rick at openfortress.nl
Fri Dec 9 11:05:54 UTC 2011


> We really need to push out 1.3.4 immediately!

Sounds serious.

> 3 issues left for 1.3.4, 1 I hope to finish today, other two? Finish or
> push for 1.3.5?
> https://issues.opendnssec.org/browse/OPENDNSSEC-21	Alex
> https://issues.opendnssec.org/browse/OPENDNSSEC-175	Jerry
> https://issues.opendnssec.org/browse/OPENDNSSEC-176	Sion

Rather than expediting unrelated plans and risking to introduce new bugs,
is it an idea to _only_ fix the issue and leave the rest for 1.3.5?
It does not sound like there'd be time for proper testing, and two
faulty versions in a row can't be good for OpenDNSSEC's name.

Just my thoughts.


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