[Opendnssec-develop] Meeting 20110426

Jakob Schlyter jakob at kirei.se
Thu Apr 28 14:45:41 UTC 2011

On 28 apr 2011, at 16.37, Rickard Bellgrim wrote:

> On 28 apr 2011, at 16.25, Jakob Schlyter wrote:
>> On 28 apr 2011, at 09.14, Rickard Bellgrim wrote:
>>> Wouldn't it be better to install it on the OpenDNSSEC server?
>> Sure, but we don't have any dedicated OpenDNSSEC servers at this time. When we have, that would be the obvious choice.
> Isn't the kuriputo.kirei.se like an OpenDNSSEC server?

Sure, but that's a developers' machine that may be rebooted at any time.


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