[Opendnssec-develop] Next release

Alex Dalitz AlexD at nominet.org.uk
Fri Nov 12 10:14:51 UTC 2010

Hi - 

>>> I am going back from China tomorrow. Will thus not have time to do any
>>> testing, or release management. Could you perhaps agree with each other
>>> regarding a potential release? And if we have solved the issues?
>> According to pivotal we have 3 stories to accept, one to finish and one to 
>> start... I'm not sure how much work there is left to do to finish those 
>> stories? I don't think that we can tag a release with pivotal as it is now 
>> though.
> Well, it might *look* like 5 stories, but actually, there is only one issue left to resolve (which I hope to be able to speak to Matthijs about soon).
> Once the issue of case has been resolved, I shall release a new dnsruby library, and there will be nothing left in Pivotal.

All Pivotal stories have now been resolved, with the exception of :

o new dnsruby release 
o problems resolving ip6.arpa

I can release dnsruby now. I've already upped the required version in ODS to the new version of 1.51.

ip6.arpa problems are apprently because the reported  failed to install the new version of ODS correctly. It has not been reproduced.

I think we are in a good position for a beta/rc1 release.


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