[Opendnssec-develop] v1.1 RC1

Rickard Bellgrim rickard.bellgrim at iis.se
Wed Mar 31 12:23:38 UTC 2010

Rickard Bellgrim wrote:
* We are still struggling with dropped signatures during key rollover.

I hear that there is a need between a smooth transition between step 2
and 3 of the key rollover process. However, this requires a new state:
'publish, but pre-generate signatures with this key if there are no
fresh signatures for current active keys, but don't publish those
signatures yet'. This will replace the publish state in the above situation.

I just thought that this was what we were doing. Should this be considered as a known issue?

Then only thing left before an RC1 is to test the privdrops for zonefetcher.

// Rickard
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