[Opendnssec-develop] [OpenDNSSEC] #114: softhsm-keyconv dumps core with --ttl option

OpenDNSSEC owner-dnssec-trac at kirei.se
Thu Mar 18 06:38:50 UTC 2010

#114: softhsm-keyconv dumps core with --ttl option
Reporter:  shinya.umino@…          |       Owner:  rb     
    Type:  defect                  |      Status:  new    
Priority:  major                   |   Component:  SoftHSM
 Version:                          |    Keywords:         
 I am testing it on FreeBSD 7.1 Release and it dumps core by "softhsm-
 keyconv --ttl".

 In the source code softksm-keyconv.cpp, the "ttl" option have 0 ==
 no_argument value for the member has_arg as following.

 It must be the value 1 == required_argument.

     100 // Define the options
     101 static const struct option long_options[] = {
     102   { "topkcs8",    0, NULL, OPT_TOPKCS8 },
     103   { "tobind",     0, NULL, OPT_TOBIND },
     104   { "algorithm",  1, NULL, OPT_ALGORITHM },
     105   { "help",       0, NULL, OPT_HELP },
     106   { "in",         1, NULL, OPT_IN },
     107   { "ksk",        0, NULL, OPT_KSK },
     108   { "name",       1, NULL, OPT_NAME },
     109   { "out",        1, NULL, OPT_OUT },
     110   { "pin",        1, NULL, OPT_PIN },
  *  111   { "ttl",        0, NULL, OPT_TTL },
     112   { NULL,         0, NULL, 0 }
     113 };

Ticket URL: <http://trac.opendnssec.org/ticket/114>
OpenDNSSEC <http://www.opendnssec.org/>

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