[Opendnssec-develop] DSA key length in DNSKEY records

Alexd at nominet.org.uk Alexd at nominet.org.uk
Wed Mar 17 11:34:09 UTC 2010

> > I know that the DSA length must depend on the T value, but I can't
> find a specification for the relationship. 
> > 
> ].  P is
>    in the range 2**(511+64T) < P < 2**(512+64T) and so is 64 + 8*T
>    octets long.  G and Y are quantities modulus P and so can be up to
>    the same length as P and are allocated fixed size fields with the
>    same number of octets as P.
> Does that help?

My current best guess is that the DSA key length can be derived as (64 + 
8*T) octets. However, I still don't think I've found anything which 
specifically confirms this (i.e. RFC 2536 doesn't actually confirm that 
the length of P is actually the key length - I think).

Thanks for your help,

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