[Opendnssec-develop] Importing shared keys

Sion Lloyd sion at nominet.org.uk
Wed Jul 21 13:46:29 UTC 2010

> > Why shouldn't the key be used?
> Because the other zones in the policy already participate in a
> shared-key scheme, right? And it is not a "new" (fresh) key since it is
> already in use for a zone. Thinking about this: I guess a move from
> unshared to shared is:
> - Add zone to shared policy
> - Import zone keys into policy
> - Next policy-based roll or user forced roll will move zone from
> unshared to shared
> - Discard keys
> Would that work?

Yes. However you can import keys in the GENERATE state also, say you create 
them with hsmutil but then want OpenDNSSEC to use them. In this case I imagine 
that you would want to allow multiple zones to use that key... Is this ever 
likely to happen? (It is allowed in the current system.)


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