[Opendnssec-develop] How to handle trunk until 1.0.0?

sion at nominet.org.uk sion at nominet.org.uk
Tue Jan 26 09:38:58 UTC 2010

> We now have a RC3 and are really close to releasing 1.0.0. There are
> still coming in some suggested changes to the code and configure
> scripts. It would be reasonable to not commit any minor changes to
> trunk until we have released 1.0.0. But it would be ok to commit
> code if it fixes a major problem.
> If we decide to fix a problem, then we have to do a RC4. After 1.0.0
> we have to decide on how to handle our release management, so that
> we do not get situations like this again.
> Do you agree? (Or do we want everything to be correct instead of
> releasing a 1.0.1 in a couple of weeks)

I think that anything that can't be fixed by some text in the KNOWN_ISSUES
file means that we need an RC4.

The image I had in my mind was that when 1.0.0 is released we branch; then
bug fixes go into both branches and new features go into trunk only. Then,
maybe when the KNOWN_ISSUES file is empty, we can release 1.0.1...
Branching now just means that there is some merging to be done sooner (if
RC3 doesn't become 1.0).


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