[Opendnssec-develop] OpenDNSSEC 1.1.2
Rick van Rein
rick at openfortress.nl
Mon Aug 16 13:44:44 UTC 2010
Hi Rickard/others,
> > We only had to fix the ods-control script before we could release v1.1.2. Do we have any status on this one?
> I think this patch is what we had in mind during the last meeting. Was it something that we should include? Or save for 1.2?
> http://trac.opendnssec.org/attachment/ticket/168/opendnssec-1.1.1-odscontrol_synchronous.patch
Since 1.1.2 is primarily "for SURFnet" and since SURFnet uses this... it'd be
nice to include. I'd have hoped it was part of 1.1.1 already. But it is going
to be useful for others as well:
I think it helps Real People to avoid running into Real Problems, such as
stopping and restarting KASP too quickly in sequency -- something the Enforcer
daemon doesn't handle well (*) That's the sort of concurrency trouble you'd like
to shield your users from :)
(*) What happens is that the dying Enforcer cleans up after receiving
a kill, and if the new Enforcer has already written out its PID file
then this may actually get deleted by the old Enforcer, leading to
surprising messages such as not being able to chown the PID file. It's
one of those places where we had to be developers in order to be able
to operate OpenDNSSEC -- which hinders our target audience.
We've used it for some time, and only got into trouble while the PID file was
overwritten by the zone_fetcher. Other than that, it's made us think "why does
it block? oh wait, over here I've done this-and-that" and by doing so has
helped us to develop a more solid understanding of how to operate OpenDNSSEC.
So please include it :)
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