[Opendnssec-develop] 5000 zones - almost possible

Alexd at nominet.org.uk Alexd at nominet.org.uk
Wed Nov 11 10:31:59 UTC 2009

> I forgot to disable the Auditor. So it was used before outputting 
> the signed zones. This locked all of the worker threads and the 
> auditor just eat up memory and CPU.

Currently, one instance of the auditor is started per zone by the signer 
engine. This results in a new Ruby VM for each zone.

The auditor was written to audit all the zones in the zonelist.xml 
(sequentially) in one Ruby VM. I'd have thought that this would help the 
resource problem quite considerably.

I'm not sure how easy it would be to change the system to call the auditor 
on a batch of zones (rather than on single zones).

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